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Hendrifton Farm Holiday Cottages
Self Catering Holiday Cottages

& CAMC Certificated Location

Bob's Blog Archive

January 2021 to December 2022

25 Dec: Happy Christmas! I don't really know what Christmas is, for me it is the day that my people finally let me tear the paper off the parcels under the brightly lit tree! I love it!!

17 Dec: I didn't tell you yesterday that when I met Max, he told me all about his "blog". I didn't know what a 'blog' was back then but he told me he'd been writing it since 2013 and it was where he told all his fans about his life.  So, when we moved to Hendrifton Farm in January 2017 Max's Blog became Bob's Blog and now we've been writing it for almost 6 years! I love writing it and I love that my fans can see what I get up to! I hope you enjoy reading it.

16 Dec: My people tell me that today is 6 years since I first came to Hendrifton Farm! I remember it because we stayed in Granary Cottage and we had a fabulous walk on the moor but mostly I remember it because I met Max and he told me about life at Hendrifton and how fabulous it is and how many lovely dogs he got to meet and how much people adored him and how he was going to miss it but he was going somewhere new where he'd have lots of new dogs to meet and walks to explore! Thank you Max!

11 Nov: Me and Reka went to see Tracey the groomer today. We love Tracey but we wish we could see her and not have to have a bath and a brush and a trim! I'm am lucky though as she lets me lick her ears - I love ears!! My people tell us that we look good and we smell really sweet ... we'll do something about that tomorrow!

4 Nov: My mum took me for a walk on the moor yesterday and I felt so special. Just me and her! Reka stayed home as she has hurt her shoulder and my dad went off in the car somewhere. We walked to new places and I only had to go on the lead when we were near the road and near some ponies - I'm a bit scared of ponies! I really hope we do the walk again soon.

27 Oct: I had such a good runabout with some dogs on the caravan field today. There were four of them, all smaller than me, but they chased me so I ran! I was much faster than them so I had to keep running back to encourage them to chase me again!! It was so much fun but I was quite tired by the end! I love being in charge of Hendrifton Farm!

5 Oct: I've been soo busy welcoming guests and playing with visiting dogs, it feels like I haven't had a rest for months! I love it though and I am making the most of every day as my people tell me I'll have to entertain myself over the winter when we don't have as many guests visiting!

30 Sep: Poor Reka has gone off to the vet today, my people say she is having her teeth cleaned (which is really good as sometimes her breath smells so bad I have to sleep in a different room!) and then she'll be home again. Have to admit that I've missed her and it's hard to remember what it was like to be an "only dog"!

3 Sep: Wow, it's been raining A-LOT and every walk ends with a towel dry! I'd like it to be summer again.

26 Aug: My people tell me that today is International Dogs Day and I am one of the lucky doggies who was rescued by Dogs Trust and re-homed. I love where I live and yesterday one of our guests gave me and Reka some fish left over from their fish and chips. I love guests.

15 Aug: Wow! It's been soooo hot recently! My people have looked after us and we've had some really lazy days but with lots of visitors to keep life interesting! We've been in the stream almost every day and we don't need a towel to dry off - that's fab! Today feels much cooler though so we can play outside more. I hope you've been keeping cool too!

29 Jun: I'm feeling so much better and we've been having lots of fun. We've been to the beach and we really laughed because Reka fell in a rockpool and had to swim! I don't like swimming and I think she likes it less than me but it was funny. Then my people went to some thing called Glastonbury so my people's people came to stay and look after us. It was great and they did look after us but I was so pleased when my people got back, I jumped into the car and smothered them in Bob kisses (they're just licks but don't tell anyone).

10 Jun: Oh dear, I haven't been feeling very well and nor has Reka but I don't know why. I didn't want to eat my dinner but I perked up a bit when dad gave me a bit of his steak to eat last night! I feel sorry for Reka as she didn't even want to eat steak. I hope we both feel better soon as I must go out to entertain my fans (guests).

2 Jun: We celebrated the Queen's Jubilee in the orchard with lots of guests and their dogs. We were all very well behaved and had a great time, the sun stayed out for us too! Our Queen is over 90 years old and has been doing the same job for 70 years. I haven't even being doing my job (not that it feels like a job) for 7 years yet, I wonder if I can catch up.

22 May: We had a fabulous walk with lots of dogs like Reka today! I don't mind them, and they are much livelier than Reka, but I'd rather play with another collie! I did get to explore the wood and I had a play in the water too. My people tell me we were at a place called Trelissick.

14 Apr: I'm very excited as my mate Libby has come to stay. We get to run and play every day!

5 Apr: I love it! I have so many fans here again! They haven't played with me much but they all seem to like me. We haven't been away from Hendrifton Farm as my people both had some thing called Covid, but they tell me we'll be off exploring again soon.

31 Mar: I'm very excited! My people tell me that we have lots of guests arriving on Saturday. I really hope that they will want to play with me!

23 Feb: I've had even more days outside recently. My people told me that a tree fell down in the wind but I think the tree wanted to give me lots of sticks to play with - there were so many, it was difficult to know which one to choose!

19 Feb: It's still a bit windy but my people tell me it's not as bad as the forecast, whatever that is. My people have been working in the garden today so I've been allowed outside lots and even Reka came outside for a while. My fans from the cottage have gone home but there are others arriving today, I wonder if they will want to play with me.

18 Feb: Wow, it's been so windy! I don't like it much as I've only had two quick walks today and I haven't even been allowed to play in the garden. Reka didn't want to go out as it was so windy. I have been very fortunate as there are 2 boys staying in the cottage and they really like me so they've been playing with me.

12 Feb: I love it when guests arrive. Today I welcomed two boys who I remember from the last time they stayed that they love to play football with me. I love children, especially the ones who like to play with me. I could play all day, every day if I was allowed to!

9 Feb: I had a great time playing today. I dropped my ball in the stream so my people had to run down stream to catch it (it was too cold and too fast for me to try!), it ended up in the deep pool so they had to knock it out with a stick, like playing golf (whatever that is), then I ran back up the path with it and accidentally on purpose dropped it again! My people laughed but they didn't seem to pleased at my game, they put the ball away this time. They did let me have a good game of catch in my field and then in the caravan field (I love it in there because the grass is nice and short!).
I'm looking forward to summer.

29 Jan: The towels were out again today! We went for a great walk on the moor, I love the moor and I love running about, but I really don't like the towels dry session at the end. Eugh. My people tell me that summer will soon be here!

19 Jan: I'm really pleased I've got Libby here for company as my people are decorating in the cottages and I'd be bored is she wasn't here! We watch squirrels through the window, we sleep by the fire and we play fight too. When we're outside we run and run around the meadow and my field, we chase the ducks away when they land on the pond, we dig the mole hills when we hear the moles below (my people say I am useless as a terrier as I never find a mole!!) and we play fight when we're too tired to run. I love my mate Libby.

13 Jan: My friend Libby is here to stay and it's great fun! I might have said before that she has very long legs and she runs sooo fast it's hard for me to keep up but I can corner better that she can!!

1 Jan 2022: Happy New Year everyone! Where did the end of last year go?! I hope you all had a good time at Christmas.

29 Oct: So much rain! I love walks and I don't mind walks in the rain and I love laying on the sofa while my people dry me if I get really wet (I don't like standing up when I'm dried!) but really, I wish the rain would stop for a while so we can go on another really long walk. You won't be surprised to hear that Reka hates walking in the rain. She'd rather be on the sofa.

4 Oct: We've been busy but my people tell me we have got a week of rest coming up so we'll be going out to do some exploring. They say they have a list of places so I think it will be fun! I'll be back to tell you all about it soon.

28 Sep. We had a lovely walk on the moor at a place called Pensilva. There were lots of sheep but I was very good and I didn't chase any of them. As a reward, my people took us to a pub where we sat outside, looking at the view. It was lovely.

23 Sep: I love my people! Yesterday they took us to Looe for fish and chips and a walk on the beach and then today they took us to the moor for a walk. I hoped we'd go to the pub as I get so much fuss when we're there ... but we didn't. Not this time anyway!

5 Sep: I've been so busy this summer! I've been entertaining children and adults with my ball catching skill, I've showed dog guests the best sniff spots and I've been on holiday too! My people took me and Reka with them for 2 nights away. I went to sleep after a walk on the beach and I woke up in the morning for a walk on the beach too. It was Fab! I love the beach almost as much as I love the moor. My people tell me I'm back to work for a while before I can rest over the winter!

9 Aug: I love summer and I don't even mind summer rain as it's not too cold but I wish rain didn't mean that the towels are back out of the cupboard!

21 Jul: Summer is here and it's so hot!! I've been to play in the stream every day and I love it, especially as we don't have to go in the car to get there!

2 Jul: We had a great day and I walked to the top of the world - my people call it the Cheesewring but it was so high and the wind blew my fur and it was fab! Reka's legs are too short so she stayed at the bottom to rest! After the walk we went to the pub, I love the pub, we sat outside and two children played fetch with me. I love children, especially when they love playing fetch with me, I don't think the little boy liked having a Bob-kiss though, but it made his people laugh.

14 June: I love summer! I get to play outside all day and sometimes in the evening too and I'm allowed to cool off in the stream and I don't see a towel afterwards! I've still got my pal here and there are lots of guests who want to play with me. I hope I see you soon!

8 June: I'm so happy! We've been out to play, the sun has been shining, there are lots of happy guests and doggies and my friend Libby is still here ... but I haven't told her yet that I have a new dog pal, she's called Jen and she's much younger than me and Libby but we had a really good play when I met her yesterday.

27 May: The sun is shining and summer is coming. The towels are away, the people in the caravan field have been sitting outside and I can smell barbecues cooking! The people in the cottages have been out all day so I bet they are having a great time too!

25 May: Wooohhooo, my friend Libby is here to stay!! i love running and playing with her but she's got really long legs so I find it hard to keep up with her!

17 May: My paw got better but I'm not happy because it's been raining A LOT so my people have the towels out for us every day! I hope summer is here soon.

15 May: I haven't had many people to play with recently but there are lots of dogs here at the moment and I've been able to play with them. I love it!

3 May: Oh dear. I've been running and playing so much that I've hurt my paw. My people tell me to leave my toys at home but sometimes I forget because I love to play. Today I had to limp home but I do like the attention I get! All I have to do is sit down (or lay down for the best effect) and lift my paw up and both my people come running towards me!! Might be a good time to have a bad paw as I see the towels are back out again and that means rain is due!

20 Apr: Wow, I've been soooo busy! My people were right, my fans started to arrive last week and it has been wonderful! I have been outside every day playing with dogs and children and adults. I love it and hope to see you all soon!

6 Apr: I'm really really excited! My people tell me that my fans will start to arrive on Monday, that's just 6 night time sleeps away! Wooohooo!

22 Mar: We've been really busy outside! My people have been working in the caravan field, Reka has been keeping watch or sleeping and I have been playing! I love it when I play and I get really excited when my people use a bat to hit the ball for me - it goes soooo far I am often too tired to bring it back! My people tell me that there are only 3 weeks until my fans will be back. I'm so excited!!

10 Mar: I'm sorry I've been so quiet, to be honest, I've been feeling a bit bored. My people tell me that this lockdown thingy will be over soon and then we'll be able to go out more and we'll have people to stay again. I don't really mind but I would love to see some of my fans!

8 Mar: We've been working outside again all day today and I am pooped. I love being outside but it is very tiring!

7 Feb: It's a beautiful day here today and my people have been working outside which means I get to be with them! I know they're busy but I don't let them forget about me - if they don't throw my ball then I'll take them a stick, and then another one, and another one ... and eventually they'll play with me! I love my people!

22 Jan: Wow, we went to the moor and it was great! I'd forgotten how much I like it there. There weren't many people or dogs but we saw lots of sheep, horses and cows (have I told you how much they scare me?!).

16 Jan: My people tell me that we are in Lockdown and that's why we haven't been out much. I miss the beach and the moor but we have a great time running around Hendrifton Farm and we go to the farm shop and sometimes we walk to the lake. I hope we are allowed to have guests back soon.

10 Jan: We've had some really lovely frosty days recently so we've been able to run and play without getting muddy. I love playing but I don't really like being towel dried when it's been raining!

1 January 2021: Happy New Year! Hope to see you later on this year.